Honey or amber contact lenses are warm colors for dark, sun kissed complexions. They’re also the amber color if you’re seeking Edward and Bella Cullen eyes. Twilight fans love this collection of golden contact lens options. Even if you have naturally brown eyes, lightening them up a little with a touch of honey can be a subtle change that looks amazing. In fact, if you have brown eyes, honey contacts are practically guaranteed to look fabulous on you, playing off your skin tone and hair color perfectly.
Popular Honey Contacts
We don’t know why, but the name of this particular color (or color family), jumps around a bit. Some call it hazel, others amber or honey. We’ve settled on honey to mean all of those variations because it seems to fit best. Mostly thanks to the Twilight craze, this lens color has become very popular. Here are some of the best selling lenses.

- Gold Vampire: A special effects lens (from Coastal.com) can be worn during the day, not just in costume. It’s that pretty.
- Triple Color Hazel: From Turtle Contacts this lens come in Plano only (0.00 power or no vision correction)
- Freshlook Colorblends Honey: Before there was Twilight, there was this color! Trademark Colorblends fit.
Honey Contacts for Dark and Light Eyes
Besides the most popular lenses above, there are a few more great choices that will give your eyes that warm golden feel.

- Expressions Hazel: Not as well known as Acuvue or Freshlook but these lenses from Cooper Vision are very comfortable. Not as bright a honey color
- Freshlook Colorblends Pure Hazel: Not as bright as Colorblends Honey but still warm.
Tips for Choosing the Right Honey
If you have brown eyes you have to wear opaque lenses to change your color. As it happens, all the honey lenses we’re aware of are opaques (as opposed to translucent enhancers).
If you are going for drama and attention, as in you want to get noticed, definitely consider Gold Vampire, Triple Color Hazel, and Splash Amber Ambition first. These three lenses have the most intense color change.
If all you want is a natural or subtle lift, then Acuvue Warm Honey Freshlook Colorblends Pure Hazel, or Expressions Hazel are your best bets. Somewhere in the middle is Freshlook Colorblends Honey.
How to Get a Prescription for Honey Colored Contacts
Like regular or clear contact lenses, a prescription is required for colored contacts in the United States under the Federal Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act. If you are from Canada or elsewhere, you may not be subject to the same consumer laws. However, we strongly suggest that you be fitted for color contacts by an eye care practitioner.
If a non-U.S. manufacturer or retailer does not require a prescription from you, you should still get an eye exam and be properly fitted for contact lenses. Even if you want colored lenses just for the cosmetic effect, a prescription is mandatory in the U.S.
Where to Buy Honey Contacts
There are lots of places to buy contacts online and we recommend NextDayContacts (affiliate link) for all the major brands. You can easily find the lenses you’re looking for, and read reviews from customers on what they thought worked and what didn’t. Their customer service and best price policy are also great incentives. Head on over and to see for yourself.
I like the warm honey contacts. Is Johnson & Johnson the only makers of the Warm Honey. Where can I find them. I need the prescription ones.
I have the honey coloured eyes…..which type of hazel lens suit on me???
Freshlook Colorblends Hazel give your eyes a green tint, which is nice…
Where can I buy this amber contacts from?
AC Lens carries cosmetic lenses and prescription like Freshlook and Air Optix.