Are you a Twilight fan? Team Edward or Team Jacob? For the past few years, there's been lots of fuss about these movies and lots of people asking me how to get the sexy amber eyes of the Twilight vampires. Here's a collection of photos from the net of real eyes wearing amber, honey or hazel contact lenses. However, remember, the results really depend on the color of your … [Read more...]
What are the Cut Off Dates for Ordering Halloween Contacts (2011)?
For Coastal Contacts SFX Lenses, the brand we promote on, here are the important dates you have to remember: US Hand painted lenses, order by October, 13 Machine made lenses, order by October 24 (priority shipping) Machine made lenses, order by October 26 (courier shipping-fastest method) Canada Order by October 27 (courier shipping-fastest … [Read more...]
Where to Get Halloween Contacts?
That's an easy one! has been working with AC for over 6 years. Every Halloween they bring out the best range of theatrical grade Halloween contacts around. There are lots of places outside the US to order Halloween contacts, but Halloween lenses from AC Lens are all FDA approved theatrical lenses. Here's what ya do: 1) Get a prescription … [Read more...]
Are Twilight Contact Lenses Dead…Er…Undead?
Why another post on Twilight contact lenses? Well, the final installment in the Twilight saga is coming this November in the form of Breaking Dawn, Part 1. (This splitting up of a finale a la Harry Potter is becoming a bit tedious by the way, but I digress...) And I expect that golden eyes will once again be a hot look for Halloween. When Twilight debuted in 2008, a storm … [Read more...]
Tell Us About Your Crazy Halloween Contacts
Everyone loves the looks you get with crazy Halloween contacts. The movies have really made these types of contacts popular and now there are literally dozens of styles. Favorites shift a little from year to year--like when the movie Avatar came along, and Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter--but there are a few standbys that will never go out of style. You'll never go wrong with a … [Read more...]