Once again zombies are popular for Halloween costumes. But what makes a really good zombie costume? Below you will find good information to get you ready for Halloween or a Zombie walk or run.
Off the top, here’s a few things that I think make a really good zombie costume: authentic looking, some blood, a little freaky and good zombie eye makeup.
Different Kinds of Zombies you can be:
You can dress up as a basic character, but if you want to have a little fun with your costume, here are a few different ideas:
- Couple zombie costumes, you will need someone else for this one
- Take a classic costume and make it into a zombie, you use your old costume and repurpose it
- Make a famous person into a zombie
- Person of authority – policeman, fireman, army many, how about a green army man zombie?
A few Zombie Costume Ideas:
To provide some ideas on making a great costume, I was looking for pictures of zombies and I found this great YouTube video from a Zombie Walk in Chile. Check it out, I think you will be inspired and walk away with some great ideas.
Warning – the video is a bit gruesome and gory at times…
The Skinny on Zombie Makeup
You can do your own makeup or you can spend some money and purchase a latex mask from a store. The latex mask will be a lot easier to put on and take off, but it will cost more and it could get really hot if you are inside or doing lots of dancing. Probably okay for zombie walks unless it is really hot out.
Another option is to get someone to do your makeup. If you know someone in the special effects business you can get a killer look. Or is that killed look for and undead character. If you don’t know someone in the special effects or makeup business you might be able to find a shop in your area.
Get Your Zombie Eyes On
If you don’t have zombie looking eyes, I wouldn’t worry about it. But if you have some time to visit and eye doctor and get a prescription then a pair of special effects lenses can really finish off your costume.
So what are the top zombie contact lenses:
- White Out contacts
- Black Scelera contacts
- Blood Red contacts
Right near the end of the video I posted there is a girl wearing the blood red contacts and they look great.
Create Your Own Zombie Costume
I was going to go into detail on how to make your Zombie costume, but I found a great post that has all of the steps with photos. They did a lot better job than I can do. If you are interested, check them out create a zombie costume.
If you are not interested or don’t have the time to make your own costume you can always purchase one. There’s a few good places online you can check out and at this time of year there are always Halloween shops opening up where you can get great costumes and accessories.