Photo: Florin Gorgan
Thinking of having polarized lenses but do not have any idea? This article will help you to know more about polarized lenses and the techniques they use. Well, then you have reached the correct page. Read on to find out more about polarized lenses and everything else related to them – from lens discounts to lens techniques and uses.
What are Polarized Lenses
They are transparent lenses, usually made of glass or plastic, which help block certain types of light waves. They are hugely in demand and many websites and stores provide special discount codes on polarized lenses.
Most sunglasses and camera lenses are equipped with a polarized lens to improve the result. They reduce the glare from the surface. A polarized lens blocks around 50% of the light that passes through it which greatly enhances vision. It enables people to see more clearly by reducing the brightness and glare of the light.
How Do They Work
Why are they so much in demand? Why are so many companies making them and offering polarized lens on discount? Simply because they work!
The technique used is simple. Polarized lenses are designed specifically to reflect light in a way that it does not distort vision. Usually, when light waves strike a surface, such as water or metal, it reflects back in a particular direction (horizontally vertically or diagonally). This is called polarization.
Polarized lenses are laminated with vertical stripes that only allow vertically angled rays to pass through. This greatly helps vision and cuts down glare as no horizontal or diagonal lights are able to pass through the glass.
3D polarized glasses use a different technique than normal polarized glasses or lenses. In a 3D glass, two kinds of polarized lenses are used. There are two images (horizontal and vertical) formed on a 3D screen. Special 3D polarized glasses or lenses are designed to watch a 3D movie. One side is polarized vertically while the other is polarized horizontally so that the viewers are able to see both the images together. The brain is then able to put both the images properly and a three-dimensional image is formed.
Polarized lenses are available in different degrees and at different discounted rates at various stores. Most inexpensive polarized lenses uses a thin film that is applied only on one side of the lens. Whereas, more expensive and high quality polarized lenses use two layers that further help improve vision. It also prevents the glass or lens from being stretched or rubbed off. In simple words, denser film provides more polarization.
3-D polarized glasses are also available. They are required in order to enjoy a three-dimensional (3D) movie. The technique has truly revolutionized and changed the cinema-viewing experience.
Polarized lenses, polarized glasses and polarized cameras are being heavily produced, sold and used today. Drivers, photographers and normal consumers are demanding the product due to the great advantages it offers. Drivers use it as it helps them drive.
It puts less strain on their eyes when they are on the road for long hours. Fishermen also use polarized glasses and polarized lenses as they help them see clearly under the sea. This helps them catch fish and see other objects. Professional and regular photographers are also heavily utilizing this technique.
Polarization filters or polarization lenses are used by photographers to improve the quality of their images. It increases the sharpness and enriches the image and the final result looks mind blowing.
All the 3D movies that we see are also thanks to the invention of polarized glasses. Using horizontally and vertically polarized lenses together enables people to enjoy three-dimensional (3-D) movies.
This is exactly why more and more shops are offering these lenses. Some shops also offer them under discounted rates or discounted coupons.
The use of polarized lenses and polarized glasses is extensive. They are used in various fields and their demand has only been on the rise. Get yourself polarized glasses today in order to enjoy the multiple benefits that they have to offer. You can buy them from any shop offering them in your area or avail special discount packages and get lens discount codes online and have a better shopping experience.
About the Author:
Shannen is a freelance writer who writes articles related to health and lifestyle and spends most of his time researching on related topics. During her free time, Shannen is willing to share her insights and knowledge on health care to people through her articles. Her latest article is : GetLenses discount code